We are very proud and happy to be working together with our sponsors.
All sponsorships goes towards making the best possible conference.
You can also help!
– You can either buy a spot in the printed program for the conference. You can see sizes and prices below.
– Or, you can sponsor with goods. Maybe you have a product you’d like to put in the goodiebag, or in some other way share with the participants. Or it might be materiales for the conference.
You can always contact us on conference@euviz.com, to start a dialogue.
Buy a spot in the printed program
It can be used as an add for your company, or maybe you havesomething else you’d like to share with the Visual Practitioners community.
Full program page – 1000€

Half program page – 500 €

Quarter program page – 250 €

Support a Scholar
We are pleased to be able – with the support of our sponsors – to offer a limited number of scholarships to the EuViz 2018 Conference.
You can support a scholar, by making a donation. You do that directly at our registration page. All scholarship donors, will be mentioned on our website, and in the printed program.