We have put together an exciting conference, if we may say so ourselves.
More details will follow, but this is the program, as of May 2018.
Monday July 30th
Pre Conference Workshops
More info about the pre conference workshops, are found here.
- Coming together and getting to know eachother
Tuesday July 31st
Conference Day 1
- Welcome
- Opening keynote: Martin Hausmann & Karina Antons
from Bikablo - Lunch
- Breakout sessions (Streams)
- Wrap up Day 1
Wednesday August 1st
Conference day 2
- IFVP New Member Orientation
- Good morning Day 2
- Keynote: Kelvy Bird
- Lunch
- Learning & Sharing (Open Space)
- Wrap up day 2
- Evening: Big Dinner & SPARKLE PARTY
Thursday August 2nd
Conference Day 3
- EFVP Orientation
- Good morning Day 3
- Breakout sessions (tStreams)
- Raffle prizes
- Report back from the streams
- Collective sensemaking & Transfer
- Closing Keynote: David Sibbet
- Goodbye – see you next year in ?
Friday August 3rd
Post conference day
Register for the conference on our conference platform.