Digital Tools


Monday July 30th – 9.30 – 16.30
(incl. 1 hour lunchbreak)


Digital tools for the visual practitioner: from pain to possibility

This one-day preconference workshop will focus on the possibilities working digitally can provide the visual practitioner.

Making the transition from working on a big surface and on paper to working on a smaller surface and digitally can be painful, but it doesn’t need to be!

Raquel & Linda will share from their journeys from analog to digital and what they have learned along the way.

The workshops will alternate between explanation and experimentation: giving you the opportunity to observe, discuss, ask questions and try things out for yourself!

– Changing your thinking about working digitally: discovering what you could never do on paper!
– Widening your drawing repertoire: Adapting your drawing style to working digitally
– Working live & studio work: apps of choice & why
– Tips & tricks
– Experimenting with merging analog & digital: blurring the divide between lo-fi & hi-fi

We will mainly use the Adobe Illustrator Draw app, but other apps will be introduced.

BYOD: Bring your own device

All examples will be given using an iPad pro and an Apple Pencil. You will need to bring your own devices—a tablet and a stylus or your finger if that is your weapon of choice.

Raquel & Linda started their digital journey using a first generation iPad, so all iPad versions are welcome if they can support today’s apps. Neither Raquel nor Linda is experienced with using other devices, but if you know your own device & have a flexible attitude, you are welcome to adapt the teaching to that device.


Raquel Benmergui

Raquel provides handmade lo-fi/hi-fi real-time on/off-site arts-based storytelling, graphic facilitation, and graphic recording.

She works in co-operation with businesses and organisations to capture ideas ranging from meaningful conversations to concrete actions maps.  Raquel’s strength is in her ability to quickly capture information, see patterns, make meaningful connections, support collaboration and communicate a holistic picture. She has extensive experience in visually recording talks and facilitating strategic visioning processes, conceptualisation and ideation.
Raquel is insatiably curious, a great listener, quick on her feet, easy to work with and energetic.
Instagram: @raquelbenmergui
Twitter: @RBenmergui

Linda Saukko-Rauta

Linda is a real-time illustrator that visualises seminar presentations and corporate strategies into sketchnotes.

She started out in 2010 as she bought her first iPad. Her sketchnoting path has thus been fully digital.

She operates either from the depths of her home cave doing illustrations on demand or by attending various events – with her iPad all ready for some doodling action.

Linda has a strong pedagogical background: in her previous life she used to be a Swedish teacher (MA). That made her draw dark comics about the mundane life of a language teacher. Those comics got shared in social media and that’s how it all started. Later on as an e-learning designer she got bored in meetings and discovered the joys of taking visual notes.
Instagram: @sauraulinda
Twitter: @saurau


IFVP Member: 375,00 €
Non IFVP Member: 450,00€

The price includes all materials, and food & beverage throughout the day.